Media Solidarity

  • Story

Free journalists and media in Belarus need our help. The unprecedented attack on the independent Belarusian press, started in 2020, and continues so far. There are 32 journalists in prison for political reasons. Dozens of websites remain blocked. The new edition of the Administrative Code makes it possible to “legally” confiscate from the media their “instruments of crime” — the electronic devices and equipment with which they record and write the truth about the events in our country.

Financial audits come to media publishers' offices, and criminal cases are brought up against their owners. Advertisers fear political repercussions and revoke contracts. The Commission on “Information Security” has deprived the accreditation of the brilliant Belarusian employees of foreign media. The press house refuses to publish and distribute independent newspapers.

From August 9, 2020 to February 1, 2021, journalists were detained more than 500 times. The authorities think they can stifle free speech by threatening journalists, banning streams, or putting the media in dire financial straits. But they will not succeed.

Under these conditions, #BY_Help and @Media Solidarity Belarus Campaign ( decided not to stop fundraising to support independent journalists, whose work depends on whether we and the world learn about what is happening with Belarus here and now.

What will the collected funds be used for: — Schol¡arships and grants to journalists who have been repressed for their work in independent media: full-time, freelancers, as well as other media workers. — Payment for temporary relocation for those who are most threatened. — Assistance to independent media and editorial offices, journalistic organizations that are looking for new legal sources of income. — In exceptional cases — compensation for equipment, assistance in obtaining medical (including psychological) assistance and other types of assistance.

The collection is over. Сollected:
€ 31 356
The collection is over. Сollected: € 31 356